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Eating Healthy: Nutrition Tips

Family Eating Together

Blog Highlights

  • A healthy died includes foods from all the major food groups and subgroups
  • It is important to carefully consider what you drink
  • In order to maintain strong, healthy teeth and gums, you should clean your mouth after eating

A healthy diet is important for your overall well-being and oral health. Consuming the right foods and drinks can help you maintain, and even improve, your dental health. It’s important to make sure you eat a balanced diet and get the right nutrients in order to prevent diseases and severe tooth decay which can lead to bigger issues if left untreated.


A healthy died includes foods from all the major food groups and subgroups. In addition to these foods, it’s important to consume the right oils, vitamins, and minerals. Other nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats help make up a balanced diet, but shouldn’t be eaten in excess.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has developed a method by which you can measure the amount of foods you eat and plan a healthy diet. Their diagram is called MyPlate. It shows the five major food groups, including dairy, fruits, grains, proteins, and vegetables and their recommended amounts. They stipulate that you can eat canned, frozen, dried, or fresh foods and that you may regulate your caloric intake by eating less sugar and sodium laden snacks and meals.


It is important to carefully consider what you drink. Drinks such as sports drinks, energy drinks, and sodas contain high amounts of sugar and acid-producing ingredients. Acidic and sugary drinks lead to tooth decay and increase the rate of tooth decay.

When choosing what to drink, it’s best to stick with water. It’s been shown that water can help you absorb nutrients, reduce tooth decay, and help you keep a healthy weight. If you want to drink something other than water, consider something with at least some nutritional benefits like fruit and vegetable juices or milk.

Care for Teeth

In order to maintain strong, healthy teeth and gums, you should clean your mouth after eating or drinking. Foods with high levels of sugar or starch, such as breads and potato chips, can cling to your teeth, leading to an acid attack. Acid attacks happen when sugars and starches interact with the plaque on your teeth. They can happen for 20 minutes or more after the consumption of sugars.

If possible you should brush your teeth after every meal and floss regularly to remove any excess food. You may also consider chewing sugarless gum with xylitol. Chewing gum helps increase the flow of saliva. Saliva washes sugars from your teeth and helps to neutralize the acids.

Quick Tips:

  • Refrain from snacking throughout the day
  • If you snack, choose healthy snacks
  • When eating sugary foods or sweets, eat them as part of a meal to reduce their damaging effects
  • Don’t stock your fridge with sugars and starches
  • Stock your fridge and pantry with various fruits and vegetables or other healthy snacks
  • Eat whole grains
  • Eat lean proteins
  • Eat calcium-rich foods

As always, preventive dentistry is one of the best things you can do to maintain a beautiful smile. Make sure you visit your dentist regularly. They can help you design a nutritious diet that will benefit your teeth and work with you to find the best methods of dental care for your teeth.


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